P.O. Box 1123, Golden, Colorado, USA 80402
Difference Between A Value Estimate and An Appraisal by Trevor Ellis. Published in SME Transactions 2001, Vol. 310, pages 25 – 35. Reproduced with the permission of the SME.
Lessons Learned About Standards by Applying Both VALMIN and USPAP on a Complex Appraisal Project by Trevor Ellis. Published in SME Transactions 2000, Vol. 308, pages 116 – 122. Reproduced with the permission of the SME.
US Views on Valuation Methodology by Trevor R. Ellis, Copyright and presented at Valmin ’01, Sydney, Australia, 25-28 October 2001, Published in Valmin ’01-Mineral Asset Valuation Issues 2001, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Melbourne, Australia, 2001, PS No 5/01, pp 1-23. Also published in the Professional Geologists, June – Aug 2002 as a 3-part series. Reproduced with the permission of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
The U.S. Mineral Property Valuation Patchwork of Regulations and Standards in Mineral Property Valuation Proceedings - Papers Presented at Mining Millennium 2000, by Trevor Ellis at the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Toronto, Canada, March 8, 2000, pages 25 - 40.
Appraisals of a Gold Property: A Case Study of Reserve Additions, Trevor Ellis, from 2000 Journal of the ASFMRA.
Fair Market Value is Goal of Property Appraisal , John B. Gustavson, from The American Oil and Gas Reporter, February 1993.
Valuation of Non-U.S. Oil & Gas Propertiesl , John B. Gustavson, from Management, February 2000.
Testimony to the Congress of the United States of America Senate Committee On Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee On Public Lands, National Parks and Forests, John B. Gustavson on behalf of Yates Energy Corporation.
Court Values Versus Reality; A Rebutal to “Making Money Winning Environmental Lawsuits”, J.B.Gustavson, M.R. Silverman and T. Stauffer, from SPE 37943.
Techniques for Valuing Acreage With Unproved Oil & Gas Potential l, Edwin C. Moritz, from SPE 37950.
Valuation of the Total Federal Economic Benefits Associated With the U.S. Department of Energy’s NOSR 1 and 3 Properties in Western Colorado, A Case Study l, Mortiz, Lencioni, Grove and Hagerman, from SPE 52966.
Professional presentations made during the Mineral Valuation Sessions of previous SME Annual Meetings & Exhibits are now available for sale as .mp4's.
The .mp4's have been professionally recorded by Freeman Audio Visual Solutions and include the Audio/Video portions of each speaker's presentation.
Click Here for 19 Free Sample Presentations on YouTube !!
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