P.O. Box 1123, Golden, Colorado, USA 80402
Certification Committee
2022 Chair: Betsy Suppes, E-Mail Certification Committee, 1-814-255-4892
Purpose: Review applicant package for completeness and technical documents submitted for certification as a Certified Minerals Appraiser. Arrange for 3-Member Ad Hoc Review Committee and assure expeditious review. Provide a written opinion of positive or negative recommendation to the Executive Committee.
Continuing Education Committee
2022 Chair: Betsy Suppes, E-Mail Continuing Education Committee, 1-814-255-4892
2022 Co-Chair: Darwin Werthessen, E-Mail Continuing Education Committee, 1-508-846-6799
Purpose: Establish guidelines on courses, literature and other educational elements, which may reasonably be counted as CE units to meet Bylaw requirements. Monitor CE requirements in other associations, institutes and regulatory bodies and recommend adjustment, when needed. Provide information to all classes of members of the IIMA on the availability of courses and literature. Assist members in the maintenance of their personal record keeping of CE compliance.
Ethics Committee
2022 Chair: Ed Moritz, E-Mail Ethics Committee,
Purpose: Review complaints in accordance with established procedure. Provide guidance to membership on courses, literature and other educational elements, which may reasonably be counted as Ethics training. Facilitate internal IIMA solicitation and contracting of paid Review Appraisers when requested by IIMA membership.
International Liaison Committee
2022 Chair: John Gustavson, E-Mail International Liaison Committee, 1-303-818-5992
Purpose: Maintain contact with the International Mineral Valuation (IMVAL) committee and represent the IIMA in all matters. Maintain contact with the International Valuation Standards Council. Coordinate activities among IIMA International Chapters as well as with IIMA Members in international locations.
Membership Committee
2022 Chair: Craig Wood, E-Mail Membership Committee, 1-304-776-6660
Purpose: Oversee general membership functions for all levels of IIMA membership. Promote membership of the IIMA. Process, evaluate and approve or reject applications and qualifications for various levels of membership.
Mentoring Committee
2022 Chair: Kevin Weller, E-Mail Mentoring Committee, 1-303-358-3080
Purpose: Generate a list of mentor candidates. Facilitate exchange of methods and material successfully used by experienced mentors to new mentors. Assist Associate Members and/or their respective mentors towards determining standing for full Certification.
Newsletter Committee
2022 Chair: Evan Mudd, E-Mail Newsletter Committee, 1-608-797-4644
Purpose: Editing and publication of the IIMA Newsletter.
Standards Committee
2022 Chair: Darwin Werthessen, E-Mail Standards Committee, 1-508-846-6799
Purpose: Monitor changes to the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP), the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (UASFLA) and to the International Valuation Standards (IVS). Advise the IIMA Executive Committee of changes and recommend action, if any.
Website Committee
2022 Chair: John Manes, E-Mail Website Committee, 1-480-443-3978
2022 Co-Chair: Darwin Werthessen, E-Mail Website Committee, 1-508-846-6799
Purpose: Evaluate website layout/design and provide Executive Committee with recommendations. Perform updates to website as needed.