P.O. Box 1123, Golden, Colorado, USA 80402
The IIMA offers four classes of membership: Certified, Emeritus, Associate and Affiliate.
Not sure which membership class to join? Please contact Membership Committee Chair or Contact Us.
Certified minerals appraisers meet the Institute's standards of education, experience, and integrity, as each is defined in the Bylaws, and who subscribe to the Code of Ethics. They hold the designation of CMA (Certified Minerals Appraiser)
Educational requirements for membership in IIMA include a baccalaureate or higher degree in geology, mining or petroleum engineering and at least one continuing education course in the appraisal of minerals.
Experience requirements include a minimum of five years of minerals appraisal experience, after having satisfied the educational requirements.
Certified Members have the following responsibilities and obligations.
to pay annual dues ($190 USD) as provided in the Bylaws;
to comply with the Code of Ethics in the professional practice of appraisal of minerals and encourage others to maintain similarly high standards;
to comply with other specific requirements set forth in, or adopted and published pursuant to the authority established in the Bylaws; and
for Certified Members only, to comply with the continuing education requirements to be established by vote of the Certified Membership from time to time.
Applicants for Certified Minerals Appraiser shall affirm their adherence to applicable professional and ethical standards and must provide acceptable references from at least three minerals appraisers who have personal knowledge of the applicant's qualifications, integrity, and conduct, at least one of whom is an IIMA Member.
Download Application: Invitation, Requirements, Procedure, Application, Sponsor Recommend
Member Emeritus is available for retired members of the Institute who continue to support the principles for which it was founded.
Member Emeritus hold no voting rights, and must not use the "Certified Minerals Appraiser" designation.
Emeritus Members have the following responsibilities and obligations.
to pay annual dues ($40 USD) as provided in the Bylaws;
to comply with the Code of Ethics in the professional practice of appraisal of minerals and encourage others to maintain similarly high standards;
to comply with other specific requirements set forth in, or adopted and published pursuant to the authority established in the Bylaws
Download Application: None required - contact IIMA Treasurer for enrollment.
An "Associate Member" is a candidate for the designation of Certified Minerals Appraiser, but who has not yet met the Institute's standards of education and experience. Associate Members hold no voting rights, and must not use the CMA (Certified Minerals Appraiser) designation. However, they may state that they are Associate Members of the IIMA.
Educational requirements for membership shall include a baccalaureate or higher degree in geology, mining or petroleum engineering.
There is no experience requirement for membership as an Associate Member.
Associates are required to pass the 15-hour USPAP course, prior to obtaining their Certified Minerals Appraiser (CMA) designation.
Associate Members have the following responsibilities and obligations:
to pay annual dues ($75 USD) as provided in the Bylaws;
to comply with the Code of Ethics in the professional practice of appraisal of minerals and encourage others to maintain similarly high standards;
to comply with other specific requirements set forth in, or adopted and published pursuant to the authority established in the Bylaws
Applicants for Associate Member must provide one acceptable reference from a Certified Minerals Appraiser of the Institute.
Download Application: Application, Sponsor
An Affiliate Member is a non-technical, non-certification membership class that is open to the public, specifically those interested in minerals appraisal.
Affiliate Members hold no voting rights and must not use the CMA (Certified Minerals Appraiser) or any other designation.
There is no experience requirement for membership as an Affiliate Member.
Affiliate Members have the following responsibilities and obligations:
to pay annual dues ($115 USD) as provided in the Bylaws;
to comply with the Code of Ethics in the professional practice of appraisal of minerals and encourage others to maintain similarly high standards;
to comply with other specific requirements set forth in, or adopted and published pursuant to the authority established in the Bylaws
Download Application: Application